As you embark on this epic fitness journey, let us guide you through the misty fjords of knowledge. Our battle-tested FAQ section awaits, ready to arm you with wisdom and valor.

One-On-One Personal Training FAQ

Why Should I Use a Personal Trainer?

Some people are content to forge their own fitness path, but for those seeking guidance, motivation, and safe exercise techniques, a Personal Trainer (PT) is the answer. They’ll be your compass through the gym fjords, ensuring you avoid injury and sail toward your goals.

When Do I Need a Personal Trainer?

  • When you’re overweight or underweight.
  • When you’re unfit and want to get fitter.
  • After welcoming a new Viking into the world.
  • When you’re in training or bored with your routine.
  • When the jeans don’t fit or Christmas has happened.
  • When aerobics has lost its spark or the mirror won’t be ignored.
  • Basically, whenever you want to transform!

How Often Should I Train?

Three times a week is a solid start. But remember, like a well-forged sword, the more effort you put in, the greater the results. Whether you train with your PT every time depends on your motivation, schedule, and how much you can afford to wield those weights.

Where Should I Train?

There’s no “should” – choose your battlefield wisely:

  • The gym – where iron clangs and camaraderie thrives.
  • The park – where nature joins your training saga.
  • At home – where your hearth becomes your gym. Availability and convenience guide your choice.

Will My Trainer Put Me on a Diet?

Ah, the sustenance question! While PTs aren’t culinary wizards, they’ll offer nutritional guidance. But fear not, they won’t confiscate your mead or banish you from the feast hall.

What Happens During a Personal Training Session?

Typically, your first session involves:

  • Basic personal details.
  • Medical and fitness background.
  • Lifestyle factors (smoking, drinking, and mead consumption).
  • Nutritional habits (you might be asked to keep a food diary).
  • Personal goals – the treasure you seek on this fitness voyage.

Does a Personal Trainer Require a Doctor’s Certificate?

Not necessarily, but if you have specific health concerns, it’s wise to consult your healer (a.k.a. doctor) before embarking on this quest.

May your gains be mighty, your form impeccable, and your Viking spirit unyielding! Skål!

Who can participate in Viking-Themed Training?

Anyone who seeks to harness the might of Thor and the resilience of Odin! Whether you're a shield-maiden or a seasoned warrior, our training is tailored to challenge individuals at any level of fitness.

What should I bring to my first training session?

Arrive in comfortable attire fit for movement and bring a water skin to stay hydrated. We provide all necessary equipment, including shields, swords (blunt training replicas), and helmets for an authentic experience.

How long is each training session?

Each session lasts one full turn of the hourglass, equivalent to 60 minutes. This includes warm-up, skill training, battle drills, and a cool-down period.

Will I learn actual Viking combat techniques?

Yes! You will learn the art of wielding a sword and shield, mastering the battle axe, and strategies used in historic Viking skirmishes. Remember, it's all about technique and control, not actual combat.

Is there a Viking code of conduct?

Indeed, all trainees must adhere to the Viking code: respect your fellow warriors, honor the training grounds, and never yield!

How do I sign up for a raid... I mean, a session?

Send a raven or visit our longhouse at the heart of the village to book your session. Our skald will add your name to the saga of warriors in training.

What if I can't lift Mjölnir?

Fear not! Our training is about building your strength and spirit. With time and dedication, even the smallest of warriors can lift the hammer of the gods.

Are there any post-training rituals?

After training, we often gather in the mead hall for a hearty feast and share tales of glory. It's a great way to bond with your fellow trainees and plan for the next adventure.

Can I bring my own horned helmet?

While horned helmets are not historically accurate, we welcome personal flair in your training attire. Just ensure it does not hinder your movement or safety.

Online Personal Training FAQ

What Does Online Personal Training Involve?

Online personal training is more than a mere digital longship; it’s a bespoke journey tailored to your fitness aspirations. Here’s what you’ll find aboard:

  • Customized Training and Nutrition: Like runes etched for you alone, your program will be meticulously crafted. Expect tailored workouts and dietary guidance.
  • Support: Our messenger ravens will carry your queries, and I’ll respond swiftly. No need to wait for the next full moon.
  • Weekly Check-Ins: We’ll assess your progress, adjust sails, and navigate toward your transformation.

How Often Will We Communicate?

As often as the northern winds shift! Expect check-in forms each Sunday – beyond tracking your training and nutrition, we’ll delve into energy levels, hunger, recovery, and more. No stone unturned in our quest for progress.

Is This Suitable for Beginners?

Indeed! Whether you’re a fledgling berserker or a seasoned warrior, I’ll tailor your plan accordingly. Beginners, fear not – I’ll guide you swiftly toward results. Advanced lifters, prepare for the next level of gains!

Do I Need a Gym Membership?

Nay, you need not tread the halls of Valhalla (a.k.a. the gym). Your plan shall be forged around the equipment you possess. But if muscle-building be your quest, consider joining a gym or acquiring basic gear.

Can I Join from Anywhere in the World?

Aye! From the misty shores of England to distant lands across the sea, I welcome all. Online personal training transcends borders – no need to row a longship to my doorstep.

What If I’m a Frequent Traveler?

Fear not, wanderer! Many of our kin roam far and wide. Online training adapts – wherever you tread, your fitness saga shall follow.

May your resolve be as unyielding as Mjölnir, and your gains as mighty as Thor himself! Skål!

How can I start my journey to become a modern-day Viking warrior?

Begin your saga by signing up for our online personal training program. Just send a raven (or an email) to our support team, and we’ll guide you through the enrollment process.

What equipment do I need to raid the fitness realms?

To conquer your workouts, you’ll need the heart of a warrior and a few basic tools: a shield (exercise mat), a sword (dumbbells), and the will of Thor. No longships required.

Are the workouts suitable for shield-maidens and warriors alike?

Absolutely! Our training mead hall welcomes all, from the youngest shield-maiden to the most grizzled berserker. Each workout is tailored to your strength and skill level.

Can I feast like a Viking and still see results?

Yes, but moderation is key. We’ll provide you with a mead-hall-worthy nutrition plan that balances hearty feasts with the needs of a warrior in training.

What if I need to consult the seer for guidance?

Our wise trainers are available for counsel via carrier pigeon (video calls) to help you navigate any challenges on your path to glory.

Will I be ready for the next Viking raid (fitness challenge)?

With dedication to your training, you’ll be prepared to face any raid, battle, or fitness challenge that comes your way.

How do I track my progress in the art of war (fitness)?

Hark! At the turn of each moon, when the week's end draws near or as the fortnight fades, and even as the month completes its cycle, take heed to dispatch thy parchment of valorous exertions. Send forth these scrolls of strength and endurance, inscribed with thy deeds of physical conquest, to the keeper of thine progress, be it a mentor of the warrior's path, a sage of bodily mastery, or a sacred coffer dedicated to the chronicles of thine own saga. Let not the tales of thy toil be lost to the mists of time, but preserved in the annals of thine own legend.