Personal Training

Welcome to “Odin’s Odyssey,” an exclusive one-to-one personal training program where you’ll harness the legendary strength and spirit of the Vikings. Our bespoke journey is tailored to your individual needs, ensuring that every step you take is one of purpose and power.

Embark on Your Epic Saga:

  • Warrior’s Workout: Your personal trainer, a sage of strength, will craft a regimen as formidable as Thor’s hammer, Mjölnir, designed to challenge and fortify your body.
  • Nutritional Navigations: Like the mead of Valhalla, our dietary guidance will nourish and sustain you, fueling your conquests both in and out of the training grounds.
  • Mindset of the Mighty: Adopt the stoic focus of a Viking chieftain through mental resilience training, preparing you to face any trial with unwavering determination.

With “Odin’s Odyssey,” you are not just training; you are transforming. Forge your path to greatness and let the echoes of your triumphs resound through the halls of history. To Valhalla!

Please note: I only offer one-to-one Personal Training at:

Core Fitness

Balmoral Centre Westborough, Scarborough YO11 1LU

01723 378400